Driver-Led Prop 22 Pay Study: 12000 Rides Shows We Make $6.20 per Hour Average

Fall 2022

RDU Drivers Pool Data from 12000 Rides and Show the World What Prop 22 Really Is

The study: 

The study is available here at Our earlier study on how Prop 22 is not helping drivers with health benefits, is here:

Where did this come from?

Between October and December 2021, 55 drivers across California collected trip and earnings data in real time from more than 12000 rides. Working with Policy Link, we analyzed the pooled data for the first study using real driver data to expose the truth about Prop 22. 

The results? Under Prop 22, drivers in California - after expenses and lost benefits - are actually netting an average of $6.20 per hour!

We all know that Prop 22 was never about protecting drivers' pay or providing benefits. Like all the changes they make to the app, Prop 22 is about protecting Uber & Lyft’s interests - and legalizing a business model that keeps us paying for their vehicle fleet while paying us barely enough to survive. Drivers in the survey also showed that while Prop 22 promised to protect flexibility, drivers actually now have less control over our work and which jobs we take, and we work more hours then we did before it was passed to make the same amount of money. 

The solution to Prop 22 is clear: it must be overturned, and it must be stopped from spreading to other states.

Please spread the word to other drivers - share this page with friends and other drivers you know. As the largest drivers’ organization in California, RDU will continue its fight for REAL labor protections for every driver. 

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